Well this is my very first blog and getting successful in blogging is a tedious task. 

 Being an ardent follower of Mahabharata, I thought to write my first blog on my biggest learning lessons from Mahabharata. This sounds crazy, right? 🙂

But the Mahabharata story has so much to teach us. There are a lot of skills and lessons we can learn from Mahabharata 

Mahabharat (2013 TV series) - Wikipedia

The learning Lord Krishna has given us throughout Mahabharata  is crazy and applicable till date and I am quite sure these learning will help all the future generations as well and is like a never ending loop :)

A lot has been explained based on experiences we go through in our day to day life  & how we react to given situations - in any given situation our reaction can either become our strength or weakness - it's all on us  

1) God has definitely given you weakness but limiting yourself to it is a choice you make

Every person has some or the other weakness like some people can't run too fast, some can't lift weight, some people are physically weak, some are over weight, some can't see & some people are mentally weak we have tons of examples like these - Have you ever met a person who has got everything in their lives??

Gandhari gets married to Dhritarashtra - Disney+ Hotstar

We as humans take that one weakness as way of our life due to which we are sad  unhappy & complaining all our lives 

weakness is something that we all our born with and we limit ourselves to it 

But there are people who overcome their weakness by continuously working on it with all the efforts,

so what is the difference , have you ever thought about it???

A person who is not defeated by their weakness and work on it will always overcome it - which means god has definitely given you weakness but limiting yourself to it is a choice you make

Think about it? 

2 ) Live in present - heard this too many times right??

Future is another name of hardwork If we have few wants today and we are unable to fulfill it, our minds will start thinking about having those things or fulfilling those wishes in future - But life is not our past and nor it's our future, it's about what we are in the present, the feeling you have right now is your present 

Saurabh Raj Jain: I talk like a God in real: Saurabh Raj Jain ...

Even after being aware of this we do not face the truth, either we live in past with regrets, sadness & anger or spend our present making plans for future and while we are busy doing all this our life comes to an end  

If we can accept one truth that neither you can see you future nor you can build your future we can only welcome our future with all the patience and courage, if you do so don't you think every moment will be filled with life 

3) How to learn anything??

Learning something new always comes with dedication but what is dedication?

Our virtual brain  is always creating barriers like we get into competition with another person, do not completely trust or believe in what we learn and sometimes punishments given us by our teachers which can also be life fill us with anger..well doesn't this happen to everyone? 

Nissar Khan: I am lot like Dronacharya says Nissar Khan - Times of ...

we are distracted by 100 of thoughts like these and because of these barriers we are do not learn or learn partially 

Dedication helps you keep your ego, jealousy and ambitions aside and help you focus 

Honestly everyone is capable of learning anything that they want...more than your teacher ( Life or anyone teaching you something new)  it's about how dedicated you are towards it..right dedication and consistency can teach you anything you ever want to learn 

4) Only Religion - Humanity with Integrity 

Everyone in the world has one point in their lives where all their ambitions, goals, plans, dreams looks like they are coming to an end 

On one end we see our righteousness  which  is the quality of being morally right and on other end we ourselves in pain which is a situation of religious crisis, where being righteousness  would create problems and pain 

Mahabharat - Watch Episode 3 - The Pandavas leave Hastinapur on ...
Humanity is everything 

Think about it sometimes we all get a chance to steal something because we don't have enough money to buy that, we do not display truth as that can create a personal harm, we get wrongfully influenced by someone because we think they will help us in future  and so many more situations, all these situations are part of our day to day lives - we make a choice everyday 

Most people do not even understand that this is a  religious crisis ( Dharam Sankat)  we simply make a choice which is easier and beneficial to us but to be honest the choice you make during religion crisis is one way to either go closer to humanity and god or go far away from it 

if we are not scared of working hard or not drawn towards personal benefits and momentary happiness and just think about what is the right thing to do with all the integrity we are never really far away from our god and our religion 

By making wrong decisions we put our character & our soul in very questionable situation  and honestly we do not respect ourselves or be proud of the person we become. 

5) Acceptance is body and freedom is soul of any relationship 

When two people come close they always try to set boundaries and sense of honor/ dignity with each other 

Were all five Pandavas brothers married to Draupadi? Did they all ...
Relationship body and soul  

Honestly speaking those boundaries and sense of honor/ dignity holds the relationship together and in any case if one person tries to break the boundaries we fill our heats with anger and pain 

What does these boundaries actually mean? have we ever thought about it?

These boundaries are decided by one and followed by other in a way that in name of care we take away their freedom which leads to unhappiness 

But what if we respect each others freedom and choices - we do not have set these boundaries  anymore which means acceptance is body and freedom is soul 

6) Being truthful is nothing but being fearless 

we all have one point in life where we decide to tell the truth but nothing really comes out of our mouth because we are scared of something 

মহাভারত গ্রন্থের নামের তাৎপর্য কি ...
Being truthful 

Talking about an incident or talking about your mistakes in any given situation are these things called telling the truth?? Actually no, this is just called talking about what happened or giving information which is a normal thing  and we fear that as well keeping things like how will the other person feel or what will the other person tell 

Then what is truth? 

Even after keeping those fears in your heart/mind you are able to tell, explain & accept  what exactly happened that's called truth 

Being fearless is not bound with time and situation it's a behavior of your virtual brain & soul 

7) What is "Great" (Shreshtha) ?

Being great means being more knowledgeable than anyone else -  it's not really about how much of knowledge have you gained but about the knowledge being more than what others at any given point which means the whole idea of being great makes knowledge gaining a part of competition and when do you think this competition ends??

I had to put on weight to play Duryodhan: Arpit Ranka - tv ...

You can surely become great for some time but you cannot be great forever and then humans comes back to same thing that’s being unhappy, sad, depressed & and continuously running to become great

Whereas, instead of being great what if you try to be the best you can be. Not comparing yourself with anybody’s success or failures and just doing your best for your happiness

Competing with yourself will automatically make you great but the intentions of being great will never let you be the best you can be.

8) Welcome your problems - Here's why?

 Based on our past experiences & instances we see our happiness or sadness in future 

To ensure our future is safe and filled with happiness we make all the plans & decisions today, but by destroying our problems in future are we creating a benefit for our-self or a loss? - we never ask this question, do we?

Mahabharat StarPlus on Twitter: "Kunti and Pandavas. #Offscreen ...
Our problems 

The truth is every problems comes with a solution of it's own and that's the truth of life - you become strong only when that is the only choice you have 

Overcoming your problems helps you become more confident, strong, stable & mindful not only for yourself but for people around you 

Problems are the only way you can change yourself, build yourself and your soul 

People who is able to overcome their problems will not face any problems but people who don't are problem themselves 

9) Instead of making your life according to you, make yourself according to your life 

Sometimes one incident in our life changes & destroys everything we have ever planned for and we consider that incident as a centerpiece of our life 

Pandavas to head towards Aryavart after saving Draupadi from ...
Dealing with problems 

But does our future depends on all the plans we make today? no, our life always changing and challenging us there is always something unexpected coming our way 

Our life does not change according to the plans but our plans change and are made according to our life 

When a person holds on to one incident or situation in life and stops fighting that's when a person becomes unsuccessful with no peace and happiness 

10) Every moment in life is a moment of making a decision 

You are continuously making decisions which leaves it's aura ( Emotional, mental and spiritual energy)  , it decides on our happiness and sadness not only in our lives but for everyone around us especially our family 

Mukesh Khanna: Is TV's new Bhishma imitating Mukesh Khanna ...
Bishma made a lot of decisions in his life which lead to destruction in his own family, he was one of the reason why Mahabharata happened.

When we have problem in front of us we are disturbed and unsure as a person. The decision making point becomes war & our virtual brain becomes battle ground..we make most of our decisions not to make a decision but to make peace within our-self..But can anyone have their lunch while running?? Then how do we expect ourselves making a right decision when our mind and soul are in a battle ground?

Reality is when you make a decision for yourself when you're calm & composed you make right, practical and logical decisions 

11) Self-confidence 

When we do not consider ourselves 'able' to  deal with our problems & do not believe in our strengths  we leave our virtue and accept the worst things coming our way 

A person becomes unconcerned, smug & self satisfied when he does not have self confidence 

Why did Lord Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu, create ...
what is self confidence?

When people believe that their  problems will make them stronger  they start celebrating after every problem, self confidence is nothing but a  mental state of being & its the way you look at life which is totally under your control 

12) Planning for future?

Our parents are always worried about our future and prays for us and hopes we get all the happiness in future and hence they end up taking most of our decisions for us..they want us to see their life and learn  from it, ensuring we take a step forward for every decision that gave them happiness and avoid decisions/problem which became a cause of unhappiness..and we have no doubts that this is in best of our interests and is pure form of love ..But let's look at few questions?

Ashwatthama-reel-Desinema - desinema

Isn't life as always changing and challenging us more and more with time, then how will old solutions help us with new problems?

Are we always like our parents? we are surely a part of them but we are really are from inside our patience, our way to perceive, our mindset is either god gifted or made by us based on incidents and situations in our life?

Aren't our problems and our hard-work & patience to deal with our problems  benefiting us? - we learn something new with every mistake or every problem..isn't that true? then letting children's deal with problems is a benefit or loss?

Instead of planning future for children what if parents just give them strength, patience and knowledge to deal with it...Think about  it?

13) It's good to keep few things to yourself for yourself

What is our weakness - is it money, love, ego?

E61 - Kunti Meets Karna - Hotstar

A person's weakness is always his/her secret..greatest or greatest people we know fear their secrets coming out as that may destroy them and that's why if a person wants to be strong & looked up to he would never share his secret with anyone 

We live in a world where do don't recognize our friends or our enemies?

14) Make your life like it's yours

Every person works hard, run's everyday to make their life worthy great and successful but when everything seems to fail the last thing that we do is try to copy and be like someone 

Star Plus' 'Mahabharata'

Copying someone, portraying a happy life and not being yourself will never lead you to success,  as life is different for everyone here we have different struggles and meaning to life 

Instead of copying someone make your way to life you will end up being much more content and happier in life 

15) Success and failure?? 

Our life is continuously  between our success and failures &  gains and loss, this happens to everyone 

Mahabharat StarPlus on Twitter: "Shikhandi to enter the war ...

Success brings happiness and failures brings sadness

But what is success and failure?

well its a state of mind, we do not fail when our enemy wins, we do fail when someone goes ahead of you we only fail when we stop trying..the day you stop accepting failure you will succeed

16) What do we gain from selfless acts?

When you help people with no intentions or personal benefits you create help for future those people automatically becomes your strength 

History of India : Mahabharat - Pandavas and Kauravas! - Page 8 ...
Selfless acts

Our righteous  and selfless acts will not let you die even after you die 

17) Words are powerful?  

Our body is one of most brilliant creation created by god and it comes with geat learning for us 

we have 5 senses  which helps us understand emotions, things and people

all our senses have different roles, we have two eyes, two ears, so many organs but we only have one mouth why is that? it's simply because our life wants us to speak less and learn more, listen more, notice more 

Krishna Flute Theme Full ( Star Plus Mahabharat ) by Al Zainullah ...

Since our words are power and it can never be taken back it must be used wisely - it makes or breaks everything around us - you'll always notice the way things are said to you matters more than anything else hence it's always important to be mindful 

 18) Our People - Family or friends ?

We are always told that we must support our people to be successful  ? But who exactly are "Our people " are these families with whom we share blood relations or are they friends who we choose who support us, help us & encourage us?

Star Plus' 'Mahabharata'
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Well when you choose "Your people" it doesn't have to depend on your blood relation or family you must always choose people who choose you and gives you right kind of direction/knowledge at right time

19) Staying with people you love 

We always want to stay close to people we love  and never want them to go away from us 

but sometimes staying away is the best way to teach the people you love to find the meaning or purpose of life 

if you are always directing life of people you love you will never allow them to be on their own and find themselves. you are indirectly taking away those opportunities for them to learn and succeed 

20) We must always choose to work depending on what we love to do or carry passion for - it all depends on our mindset?

Shaheer Sheikh: Shaheer is living the life of Arjun - Times of India

Sometimes we crib and complain about working too much &  stressing too much but have you ever thought every person who is successful out their has also got only 24 hours in a day then how come some people are successful

It's simple they work for things they carry passion for, the work they enjoy and they can give 100% on without stressing too much and infact brings out the best of them makes them more creative and they think out of box

I really hope you were able to learn something from this blog, this is indeed my very first blog but what more exciting than starting a blog writing with such a great subject - 20 lessons from mahabharata - I hope  "20 lessons from mahabharata, or 20 lessons from mahabharata winning strategy"



  1. Superb...all you said 100% true....we have to pass on with the present truth and learn for future...

  2. Thanku for the amazing details of the facts..


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